Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Complete blood count is done on a fully automatic hematology analyzer with 19 parameters for CBC testing for 13 animals including cat, dog, horse, mouse, rat, rabbit, pig, cow, buffalo, monkey, camel, sheep and goat.
The CBC is one of the most vital blood tests a veterinarian or physician can perform to determine various type of blood cells and their quantity. These numbers are extremely crucial in determining the health status of the patient being tested and sometimes the number can even diagnose a specific disease.
Blood Smear Examination
Although tremendous advances have been made in the field of diagnostics,
examination of blood smear remains the cornerstone of veterinary clinical diagnostics. Blood smears enables to identify accurate differential cell counts, morphology changes, blood parasites, neoplastic cells, etc.

Manual Platelet Count
Manual platelet counts acts as a standard component in screening for coagulation abnormalities. Abnormally low platelet counts merit manual assessment, including a visual platelet count from a blood smear. Sample haemodilution, EDTA induced thrombocytopenia, Multiple pricks during blood collection and platelet clumping are common aetiologies for falsely low platelet counts.
Manual Reticulated Count
Reticulocytes are the immature RBC’s which are produced in the bone marrow and sent into the bloodstream in increased numbers in response to anaemia caused by haemolysis (destruction) or loss (haemorrhage) of erythrocytes in most species (horses are a notable exception). Identification of reticulocytes allows assessment of whether bone marrow is responding to an anaemia (given sufficient time) by increasing red blood cell (RBC) production; this is termed a regenerative response.

Prothrombin Time APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Fibrinogen
The PT (prothrombin time), APTT & Fibrinogen levels measure the functional activity of the coagulation factors involved in the extrinsic and common pathways. These tests are conducted to assess as a pre operative check-ups before conducting surgeries, monitor warfarin therapy, Clotting factor deficiency, Vitamin K deficiency, Disseminated intravascular coagulation in sepsis Liver failure and Snake bite cases.